What is Islam
What Things forbidden in Islam and Prohibited
Forbidden and Prohibited in Islam are :
- Shirk Means to associate Allah other Gods in talking while worshiping Him, in thinking about Him and by action when attribute sacrifices offrered to a different God Not him. The worst Shirl is to say God has a Son and Is Jesus. Jesus known as Prophet Isa is Not more than His servant and a Prophet, who say and believe Jesus is Son of God is going to Hell, Jahannam. and all other gods associated to worship of God are prohibited and forbidden for example those who worship spirits as ancestors and they say they give them live and protect them from evil to happen to them for example Traditional worshippers and healers, we call those kind of gods Shaitan, whoever worshipping Shaytan is going to hell fire Jahabnnama. Other peole worship images of their own manufature after they make them with their own hands then turn into gods to them, for example Hindu and Budhist, fire worshipers.Others worship heavenly bodies such starts, moon, Sun, Stars, Sky, others worship winds, mountains, tries, caves, waters in the oceans and lakes, while others worship Angels, others worship their leaders humans like them, etc There is only one God Allah is hIs name in Arabic, there is No God but Him, so if you intentionally worship something elses not Him alone or worship but in association with other gods your going to hell fire. called Jahannam.
- Comitting Murder intentinally, Killing Innocent people, Aborting unborn babies by their parents, nurses in Hospitals killing unborn children as away of population control, all this is forbidden. who ever commit such sins is going to hellfire, Jahannam. Leaders killing innocent people during wars , they answerable to their actions in hellfire Jahannam.
- Committng Adiltery , this include sleeping with unmarried person, two friends girls and boy intending to marry but have sexual intercourse before marriage , or adults married people sleeping with other people not a lawfully married wife or husband. whoever do this is going hellfire Jahannama.
- Stealing somes ones belongings such money, property like land, car, electronics, clothings, jewelery, etc, stealing from Public money collected as tax to build roads and hosoitals, etc hellfire Jahanam is waiting for thieves.
- Do not cheat scale when weighing things in busines, Do not cheat mesurements in clothing, or land, Do not cheat the quantity in bottling, etc
- Do not involve yourself or support those involved in same sex relationships and marriages, cursed are those involed and they are people of the hellfire, Jahannam.
- Do not eat Pork , or any meat which has not been slaughtered by Allahs name at the time of slaughtering to make it Halaal, and also not allowed to eat piece of meat from animal or bird that is not fully slaughtered oir died before slaughtered. Not allowed to eat blood of birds and animals.
- Never ever Lie or give give false testimony against any person even if is your relative or friend.
- Giving and taking intereset on loans known as Riba, Its prohibited in Islam to deal in business that involves taking and giving interests on loans as it is happening with banks now days, No matter what happens.
- Do not ever get out of your house without covering your entire body for a Muslim woman, Not allowed to show your body parts to other men who are not your husband or family members who you can not marry you. Only hands and feet are allowed to be seen, as for a Man Not allowed to walk in public without proper clothing covering from your knees to the chest.
- Prohibited in Islam is marriage of son to his mother, daughter to his father, sister to his brother, daughter to his uncle on both sides, mothers side and fathers side all uncles are not allowed to marry daughters of their brothers and sisters in Islam, A son can not marryn his Unt sister to his father or sister to his mother., and a step brother and step sister can not marry each other , or step daughter can not marry her step father, or step son can not his step mother, sisters and brothers of the same father and same mother can not marry each other. and prohibited for marriage is a married women who is not properly divorced and cocluded her ' Iddat" Iddat is Term in Islam to mean the mandatory space of three months a woman must wait to get married again after divorcing her husband, and after divorce wife and husband are not allowed to get back together until the woman get married to another man and get divorced naturally without influence of previous husband.
- A woman in Menses , its prohibited in Islam is considered unclean until she finishes menses, such as entering Mosque, reciting the holy Quran, performing salah, Fasting holy month of Ramadan, but Only they are allowed to perform Hajj and Umra rituals.
- Do not drink alcohol, this include anything that makes a person loose their sound mind and influence them to act differently against the normal human nature expression.
- Forbidden is taking belongings of orphans , Their guadians after death of Parents are mandated to protect their weaith until they are grwon up and give them back their inheritance, the Guandians of orphans if poor are allowed to use minimal on the wealth for the welfare of the orphans but with limited consumption. Those who keep wealth of orpahsn and never return it back to them, they are eating hellfire in their stomach.