What is Islam
What are the Six Pillars of Iman (Faith)
A person can not be a Muslim unless he or she believes in these following six pillars of Faith called Iman"
- To believe in the Existance of One True God His name is Allah.
- To believe in existance of His Angels
- To believe in His Sacred Book Including the Holy Quran revealed to prophet Muhammad salah llah aleih wasallama peace be uponnhim as the last holy book of God, The holy Injeel revealed to Prophet Isa known as Jesus, The holy Zabur revealed to prophet Dawood known as David, and Lastly Holy Tourat or Torah revealed to prophet Musa aleihim salaam, peace be upon them all and to all their true followers of truth of Islam.
- To Believe in His Mesengers the last of all is Prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama sent after prophet Isa known as Jesus aleihim salam, peace be upon them all.
- To believe in His will of desitiney, good ad bad all come from Him.
- To believe in the day of Judgement , this believing in life after death, all people will be ressurected to face trials of how they lived their loves in this life, those who committed sins will be punished, and those who rejected Islam will go yo hellfire as punishment for denying truth intrntionally and willingly.