The Straight Path to Jannah 

The Easiest way of converting to Islam online and get your certificate of conversion to Islam.


Rechtepad is a website dedicated for authentic information about Islam to clarify on false information supplied on the internet. your free to ask any question by sending us an email.
  • There are so many website and books written and distributed about Islam by enemies of Islam that looks like Islamic but the intention is to mislead those sincerely looking for the truth, be aware of these kind of website and books. for example, there now days some Quran in Google that can easily be downloaded but they have changed its letters or words in the manner of abusing the Holy Quran which is impossible for new Muslim to realize, so we call you come and get authenticity of message of Islam and authentic copy of Quran from here at Rechtepad.eu
  • Rechtepad website is online conversion to Islam fully equipped and supported by Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa to enable any one who wish to become a Muslim do so online very easily after getting some people contacting the organization wishing to convert to Islam from different corners of the world. 
  • Certificate of  Conversion is issued to those who have converted to Islam.
  • Guidance and support is provided to new Muslims and to those who wish to join Islam.
Salaam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Straight Path website is now Launched to teach and distribute only Authentic message about Islam in accordance with teachings of the holy Quran and Hadith of our beloved prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama (peace be upon him).